Good Friday, Great Friday

Good Friday is not recognized as a holiday by my company, which means I do not get the day off. To be fair, I don’t NEED the day off. I consider myself a religious person, but I’m Presbyterian. That’s not to say that this day isn’t important, it just means I don’t spend the entire day in church like many other Christian religions. Hence, I am at work.

Now, you may wonder why I’m writing this blog while I’m at work. That’s a fair question. Our internet is apparently Catholic and has decided to take the day off. IT is working to correct the problem, but to no avail. I had about three solid minutes of work that I could do without the help of the inter-webs. There’s only so much cleaning to be done when the four people who share an office are all looking for something to pass the time. I’m also not good at sitting and staring at the wall. Have I ever mentioned that my office has no windows? It’s quite depressing, actually. Thankfully, my incredibly talented daughter painted some beautiful pictures to adorn our walls. They are quite gorgeous, but the scenery never changes.

Good Friday becomes Great Friday when you get paid to sit around and bs, scroll through Facebook, do some online shopping (I can’t wait for my new Hey Dudes to arrive!), or even daydream. I’m checking the computer every ten minutes or so just to see if it’s back up and running.

All good things must come to an end. (It’s the same with the wildwood weed). I must’ve jinxed it by writing this blog. It’s kinda like when you go out to eat and you’re waiting for your food, so you get up to go to the restroom or smoke a cigarette and your food magically appears. Enjoy your Friday, and Happy Easter!!

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