The Ber Months

We’re almost three weeks into October, deep into the “Ber” months. You know, those four months at the end of the calendar…SeptemBER, OctoBER, NovemBER, and DecemBER.

The Ber months have some less than favorable qualities among them. The first of these being the drop in temperature. Now, I’ll admit I’m not exactly a fan of sweltering heat, but if it’s not going to snow, I see no reason for the temperature to drop below a comfortable 75 degrees. Coming in a close second is the later sunrise and earlier sunset, resulting in days with much less daylight. This is especially disappointing to those of us who spend those hours of fleeting daylight working in an office with no windows. The sun is barely up when I leave for work, and it’s sinking below the horizon as I drive home when my workday is done. The Ber months are also some of the most expensive months in my opinion. I blame the holidays. Ok, maybe not the holidays themselves. I suppose commercialism and competitiveness are the real culprits.

Aforementioned qualities aside, the Ber months are actually quite enjoyable albeit exhausting. Let’s start with OctoBER, since we’re in its midst. Already this month: I’ve been to the 🍎🍏Apple Festival, celebrated my sister’s birthday 🥳 by cooking a spaghetti dinner 🍝 for the family, missed out on the 🎃Pumpkin Festival because of the weather, attended the Harvest Hootenanny at my church, celebrated my brother-in-law’s mother’s birthday 🎉 with a family dinner, and taken two Sunday trips with my sister. Still ahead on calendar: Haunted History Walks, a Halloween-themed double feature at the movies, Trunk or Treat at my church, and Trick or Treat with my sister on Halloween. 🎃 Oh, and let’s not forget the most important thing…my daughter and future son-in-law are coming home for a weekend.

NovemBER should be equally as action-packed. So far, there’s two Sunday trips with my sister, a visit to the eye doctor and one to the allergist, my sister’s anniversary, Thanksgiving, my mom’s birthday, and decorating for the most wonderful time of the year! 🎄 Oh, and at the end of November, my daughter and son-in-law are moving back home from Wisconsin!! 🩵🩶

DecemBER starts off with a 🎄Christmas party at a friend’s place before the Christmas parade. There’s Advent, baking Christmas 🍪 cookies, going to Oglebay to see the lights, another doctors appointment, Christmas 🛍️ shopping, 🎁 wrapping presents, the annual Christmas Eve gathering of friends and family with the reading of 🎅🏼T’was the Night Before Christmas and The Wonkey 🫏 Donkey, Christmas morning 🥞 breakfast, watching Scrooge….the list goes on and on. There may even be some shoveling snow if I’m lucky! ☃️ The Ber months will come to an end when the ball drops on New Year’s Eve. We’ll raise our glasses and toast 🥂 to surviving another trip around the sun.

What’s the point of my incessant rambling about the Ber months? Friends, make sure you take some time for yourself in this crazy season. Go for a walk and enjoy the brisk air and changing leaves. Grab a cup of apple cider, hot chocolate, or even a pumpkin spice something or other. Curl up with a fuzzy blanket and a good book. Call a friend you need to catch up with. Soak in a bubble bath 🛀🏼 or take an afternoon nap. Remember that we don’t have to be busy 24/7. It’s necessary that we rest, relax, and rejuvenate. After all, 2024 is only 73 days away!!!

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